3940 E. Gilman Street, Long Beach, CA 90815


We’re dedicated to making sure that all of the infants and children in our care receive excellent, nutritionally balanced and delicious home cooked meals. We strive to make each meal time a pleasure for little ones and also use them as an opportunity to instill healthy habits and foster good table manners. Our menus are based on healthy, wholesome foods that include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, served in clever and tempting ways that encourage kids to enjoy them fully. 

Depending on your preferences, we provide home-cooked and always fresh breakfasts, lunches, and snacks. For those who will be staying with us beyond the afternoon, we also provide dinners. Children enjoy family-style communal eating and our caregivers are always on hand, providing eating assistance and ensuring the safety and comfort of all kids.  

We take any food allergies or dietary preferences seriously and our kitchen is able to fully cater to vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, dairy-free kids, as well as those with any other specific dietary needs.

We Provide : 

  • Un-Processed, Low-Sugar Meals.
  • Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. 
  • Fresh Squeezed Fruit Juices.
  • Infant-Appropriate Meals, Where Necessary.
  • Healthy and Satisfying Snacks.
  • Fun, Communal Eating. 
  • Meals That Accommodate Your Child’s Needs and Any Dietary Restrictions.

Get in touch with us to find out more about our delicious and wholesome menu today!